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X-Ray Detectors for Photon-Counting Computed Tomography Medical Imaging

This is an online event. The webinar will open at 11:30AM with opening remarks beginning around 11:45AM


Computed Tomography (CT) has grown from the first commercial X-ray CT machine in the 1970s to become a leading non-invasive imaging technology, with around 300 million scans being done across the world per year. This talk will be focussed on the remarkable fusion of different technologies that make a CT system work, including the detectors that convert X-rays into electrical signals. We will examine the next generation of CT detectors, which count and classify individual photons based on their energy, enabling reduced X-ray dose, improved image resolution, and give the ability to distinguish different materials based on their X-ray spectral signatures.


Mike Jackson is the VP R&D at Redlen Technologies. Mike has more than 30 years of experience developing and commercializing precision electro-optical-mechanical and advanced material technologies and has held executive R&D roles for start-up stage teams of ten through to a worldwide team of 250. Mike graduated from the University of Alberta with a B.Sc. (Eng.) in Electrical Engineering in 1985, and from Caltech in 1991 with a Ph.D. in Applied Physics. He is a Professional Engineer in the Province of British Columbia, and an inventor on more than twenty issued or pending US patents.

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