The Province of British Columbia is transforming its health sector into a sustainable integrated care delivery system that will better empowers patients and deliver improved health outcomes. In support of this transformation imperative, the Province is advancing a provincial Digital Health Initiative that seeks to implement a comprehensive cross-sector digital ecosystem in support of patient empowerment, care delivery and learning. The DHI is advancing digital capabilities across the Province through a standards-based multi-vendor ecosystem that has the key goals of enhanced analytics and decision support capabilities, patient empowerment, support for team-based integrated care and improved experience of the care team, building towards a future vision of a real-time learning health system.
Dr. Douglas Kingsford, Provincial Chief Medical Information Officer, The Ministry of Health, British Columbia
Dr. Douglas Kingsford is Provincial Chief Medical Information Officer at Ministry of Health in the province of British Columbia, Canada. He is a family physician with an Electronic Engineering PhD in artificial intelligence, with particular interests in artificial intelligence, machine learning, interoperability, integrated care and workflow coordination. He is a core member of the leadership team advancing the provincial Digital Health Initiative from both clinical and ecosystem architecture perspectives and is vice-chair of the provincial Clinical Leadership Committee for digital health.