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Exploring the Synergy between Quantum Computing and Generative AI

This is an online event. The webinar will open at 11:30AM with opening remarks beginning around 11:45AM

ABSTRACT: Quantum computation is set to transform how we simulate nature, solve complex optimization problems, and improve machine learning analytics through superposition, entanglement, and correlations. Decades of research have enabled practical hybrid quantum-classical algorithms for challenging and classically intractable problems. Recently, notable progress has been made in quantum computing toward fault tolerant, error mitigated logical qubits. However, current technologies still face hard limitations on the number of qubits that can be embedded in a single chip. One promising avenue to alleviate this problem is to distribute large-scale quantum computations over a network architecture that supports entanglement across chips. With the rise of generative AI, numerous applications domains are poised for transformative advancements due to the synergy between quantum and AI. For example, quantum computing algorithms can generate synthetic data for chemical system simulations which in turn can be analyzed using generative AI to identify patterns in computational drug discovery experiments. In this talk we will discuss recent developments in quantum computing and how to harness the synergy between quantum computing and generative AI.


Prof. Hausi Müller, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science, University of Victoria

Hausi A. Müller is a professor of Computer Science at the University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, and adjunct professor at Icesi University in Cali, Colombia. He was associate dean research, Faculty of Engineering (2009-2019).

With his research group, he collaborates extensively with industry as an international expert in software engineering, quantum computing, adaptive systems, and intelligent cyber-physical systems. He is a principal investigator (PI) of an NSERC Quantum Consortium Alliance Grant (2024-29) on Distributed Quantum Computing. He is a PI on an NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Grant on Quantum Computing. He was a PI on an IBM CAS Project on Quantum Problem Solving and Algorithm Design on the IBM Quantum Qiskit platform.

He is the inaugural chair of the IEEE Quantum Technical Community (2024-25). He was Co-Chair of IEEE Future Directions Quantum Initiative (2019-23). He is co-founder and Steering Committee Chair (2020-25) of the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing & Engineering (QCE)—IEEE Quantum Week. He was General Chair of QCE23, QCE21 & QCE20. He is Program Board Chair for QCE25 & QCE24 and the QCE22 Finance Chair. He was Vice President of IEEE Computer Society (CS) Technical and Conferences Activities (T&C) Board (2016–2018), member of the CS Board of Governors (2015–2017), chair of TCSE, the CS Technical Council on Software Engineering (2011-2015). He received the 2024 IEEE Computer Society (CS) Technical & Conference (T&C) Activities Board Distinguished Leadership Award "for his unwavering commitment and exceptional contributions to software engineering, quantum computing, and IEEE CS's technical activities."

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